Welcome from our Designated Safeguarding Leads
We strive to create an environment in which children feel safe, secure and respected.
We encourage them to talk openly about anything that worries them; and help them feel confident that they will be listened to. Adults in our school take all welfare concerns seriously, are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect, and trained to follow our robust procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice.
Below are links to resources where you can annoymously report concerns and find further support.
Report a safeguarding concern
If you have a concern that a child or children are being harmed, at risk of harm, or you receive a disclosure (intentionally or unintentionally) you must report it immediately to one of our designated safeguarding leads.
Joe Coleman
Mary Quinn
Darren Reginer
Dan Barton
Michele Cook
Along with many schools across the country, at Blacklands we use the NSPCC Pantosaurus rule to help to teach children about keeping themselves safe. With the help of the friendly Pantosaurus dinosaur adults both at school and at home can teach children about how to stay safe from abuse.
At a level appropriate for their own age, all children learn about how the parts of their bodies which are covered by our underwear are private parts and are not for other people to see or touch and how important it is to talk to someone about anything which upsets or worries you.
Further information from the NSPCC
Keeping children safe when using technology and going online is something that must happen both at school and at home. Parents and carers are encouraged to contact the school with any questions or concerns that they may have regarding e-safety.
E-Safety at School
Throughout their time at Ark Blacklands, children are taught to become responsible, independent and competent users on the online world.
Further details regarding our online safety curriculum can be found here.
At Ark Blacklands, all internet access is restricted and filtered so that children can only access suitable and age-appropriate websites the world wide web. Additionally, use of technology in the classroom is closely monitored by staff so that all children can learn in a safe and supported space.
E-Safety at Home
The following websites provide a breadth of information and resources to help parents and carers to keep their children safe whilst using technology and going online when at home.
Websites for Parents and Carers
Internet Matters: Comprehensive online safety resources for parents and carers.
Parent Zone: Clear advice about popular apps and websites.
Netaware: Information about social networking sites your child may be using.
Share Aware: A NSPCC site which provides straightforward, no-nonsense advice for parents and carers of children aged 8 to 12.
Think U Know: Helpful advice for parents and carers from CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) about how to keep their children safe online. It also covers the range of concerns parents and carers may have about their child's online activity and how best to deal with it.
UK Safer Internet Centre: Advice about key e-safety topics like social networking, as well as how-to guides for setting up internet filers and parental settings.
Digital Parenting: A digital magazine sponsored by Vodafone that provides a comprehensive guide to issues relating to children's safe use of technology inside and outside the home.
Websites for Children
Interland: A fun online adventure game created by Google to help children learn about the key aspects of online safety.
BBC Own It: Support for children to take control of their online life, including help and advice, skills, and inspiration on topics such as friendships, bullying, safety, and self-esteem.
Think U Know: As well as information for parents and carers, Think U Know also has different sections for children that cater to different age groups so they alongside their parents and carers.
Childline: Children should be familiar with the Childline website as a source of support for any situation that they feel they cannot manage alone, should they ever feel that a trusted adult is not available to them. They can either call 0800 1111 or chat online via the Childline website.
Digital Strategy Chromebooks
For children in KS2 with a digital strategy Chromebook, their online access and screen time is closely monitored. When children use these devices to access the internet, anything potentially unsuitable or harmful is blocked and flagged to the school. These reports are then investigated further by the school's safeguarding lead. This acts as an extra layer of security to ensure children with these devices are able to access the internet safely and responsibly.