Sport at Ark Blacklands helps to develop children's self esteem, promote healthy lifestyles and improve inclusion.
Morning and lunchtime breaks provide daily opportunities for physical activity for years 1 to 6, when children can get involved both on the playground and the new Multi Use Games Area. Staff and Playground Leaders (trained pupils from Year 5 and 6) are on duty to co-ordinate a range of active playground games.
We also have a range of lunchtime sports clubs and after school activities run by qualified coaches, including football, dodgeball, dance, golf and multi-skills.
Pupils in Year 5 attend a weekly swimming lesson at Summerfields swimming pool during the summer term.
Thanks to the support of the Hastings and Rother Sports Partnership, pupils from Year 3 to Year 6 have the opportunity to participate in variety of School Games events held across the town, which introduce a more competitive element into sporting activities.