We teach students about the importance and benefits of healthy habits as part of our Personal, Social, Health and Economic syllabus, and promote physical activity, a balanced diet and self-care activities throughout the curriculum and school life.
Healthy eating

At Ark Blacklands we pride ourselves on providing flavoursome lunches which are cooked fresh on site each day by our in-house chef. The menu is served on a three-week rotation, updated each half term and is designed to provide a well-balanced nutritious meal each day.
From Reception to Year 6, all children are provided with a separate plate and bowl and taught how to dine in a social and respectful way. Many pupils choose to bring a packed lunch to school rather than have a school meal.
We would always encourage all children to have school dinners where possible, as research shows that a school lunch is nutritionally superior to most packed lunches and can lead to improved behaviour attainment.
We also run a breakfast club where children can get involved in a range of activities and receive a nutritionally balanced meal.
Mental health

We will work closely with external agencies to support the mental health of pupils and their families. At Ark Blacklands Primary Academy we will ensure that vulnerable children and young people have individual support plans in place, and we will carry out planned and structured intervention work addressing the issues identified. We are aware that social and emotional skills are an integral part of the curriculum and of PSHE due to their potential impact on teaching and learning.
Physical activity

We want our pupils to appreciate the benefits of a healthy and physically active lifestyle. Pupils in Years 1 to 6 take part in two planned sessions of physical exercise each week. We also offer a variety of sports and dance clubs lead by school staff and visiting professionals both before school, at lunchtime and after school. For further information about Clubs, please visit our Club section.