The Equalities Award is a three-year recognition acknowledging the school’s achievement in these areas.
We embarked on a journey to achieve the Silver Equalities Award last academic year. We focused on four categories: behaviour and welfare, leadership and management, pupil personal development, and teaching and learning, ensuring a commitment to equality for all within all these categories.
Our comprehensive safeguarding and child protection arrangements are a standout example of our commitment. Our designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and deputy DSLs undergo regular specialist training to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all pupils. We have clear procedures for addressing sensitive topics such as radicalisation, and staff undergo regular Prevent Training to stay updated on relevant issues. Safeguarding is a constant agenda item in meetings, and staff must complete an annual safeguarding training to remain informed and vigilant. We also have a trained mental health lead who supports everyone’s wellbeing.
Moreover, our commitment to promoting equality and inclusion is evident in our curriculum design and implementation. The curriculum is designed to celebrate diversity and encourage inclusion, emphasising the "Habits of Success" in pupils. We actively address discrimination and bullying through our anti-bullying policy and procedure and subscribe to resources such as First News and Picture News to keep teachers and pupils updated on current affairs and promote understanding of diverse perspectives. Additionally, we invite external visitors from various backgrounds to lead sessions and enrich pupils' knowledge of different cultures, religions, and societal issues.
Mary Quinn, Head of School, said, "Obtaining the Silver Equalities Award is wonderful, and I want to thank our school community for helping us achieve it. We believe celebrating diversity and promoting inclusive values is fundamental to nurturing a positive learning experience for our pupils."
Natalie Rankin, Executive Principal of Ark Hastings primaries, said, "The school's leadership and staff have worked tirelessly to ensure every child has the opportunity to succeed regardless of their background, upholding the vision shared across all four Ark schools in Hastings—Blacklands, Little Ridge, Castledown, and Alexandra. The recognition of the Silver Equalities Award serves as a powerful inspiration, reinforcing the school's dedication to promoting diversity and fostering an environment where every individual feels valued and respected."