Ark Blacklands continues to be an Outstanding School

It gives us great pleasure to announce that His Majesty’s Inspectors have confirmed that Ark Blacklands continues to be an Outstanding School.
Ark Blacklands continues to be an Outstanding School

The fact that our school has maintained its Outstanding grade is a testament to the continued hard work and dedication of our staff, pupils, and the wider school community since we were first judged to be Outstanding in November 2016.

The report highlights the many elements of effective provision at Ark Blacklands, and inspectors said:

  • “Ark Blacklands Primary has a culture of high expectations and tenacity. Staff share leaders' determination to empower pupils at this school to succeed.”
  • "Pupils' behaviour is exceptional. They diligently follow the school's rules of 'right place, right time, right thing'. They are kind, considerate and keen to help.
  • “Pupils have highly positive attitudes to learning. This begins in the early years where the provision is exceptional.”
  • “Daily story time is a joy for pupils,” and that “Pupils talk with great enthusiasm of their love for reading and the books they have read.”
  • "Pupils relish all the school has to offer…There is an abundance of opportunities for pupils to develop talents and interests in the arts, music and sports. Participation in extra-curricular activities is high."
  • "Parents are overwhelming in their praise for the work of the school. One parent summed up the views of many stating their children's 'development, both academic and personal, has been astounding.'

Our report can be read in full here